76 Letchworth Rd, Leicester LE3 6FH, UK

Cybersecurity Training Game Development – SCIPS


We developed SCIPS (Simulated Critical Infrastructure Protection Scenarios), a comprehensive cybersecurity training game designed to simulate real-world scenarios to protect critical infrastructure. This project focuses on enhancing strategic decision-making skills through engaging, interactive gameplay. SCIPS integrates various elements of cybersecurity, providing a virtual environment where players can experiment with different strategies and understand their real-world implications.

Projects Benifits

  1. Enhanced Learning Experience:
    • SCIPS provides an immersive learning environment that simulates real-world cyber-attack scenarios. This allows users to experience the complexities of cybersecurity in a controlled, risk-free setting.
  2. Strategic Decision-Making:
    • The game is designed to improve players' strategic decision-making abilities by requiring them to make critical choices under pressure, simulating real-world consequences.
  3. Team Collaboration:
    • SCIPS promotes teamwork through multiplayer scenarios, encouraging collaboration and communication among team members. This helps in building team skills and understanding the importance of coordinated efforts in cybersecurity.
  4. Real-World Application:
    • By modeling real-world cybersecurity threats and defenses, SCIPS helps players understand how their actions can influence outcomes in actual cybersecurity environments. This practical experience is invaluable for professionals in the field.
  5. Engaging and Interactive:
    • The game uses engaging story progression and feedback systems, including real-life scoring metrics, to keep players motivated and invested in their learning journey.
  6. Comprehensive Coverage:
    • SCIPS covers a wide range of cybersecurity topics, from threat intelligence and incident response to the protection of critical infrastructure. This ensures a well-rounded learning experience.
  7. Accessible Training:
    • SCIPS is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, making it suitable for a wide audience, including students, professionals, and organizations looking to enhance their cybersecurity training programs.
By incorporating these features, SCIPS not only enhances the learning experience but also provides practical skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to real-world cybersecurity challenges.

Project Information

  • Clients:De Montfort university
  • Category:Web game application
  • Start Date:10-10-2023
  • End Date:10-07-2024